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Painful Rejection Led Me to My Biggest Achievements by Noran Buzgaia
Guest post by Noran Buzgaia, 2023 Fellow from Libya. Editor’s note: Noran Buzgaia's is a 2023 Techwomen fellow who has been invited as guest blogger to share her voice, perspective and experiences with the program and community. Regardless of the title above, this post radiates … [READ MORE...]
Third Time’s a Charm by Clara Njeru
Guest post by Clara Njeru, 2023 Fellow from Kenya. Editor’s note: Clara Njeru is a 2023 Techwomen fellow who has been invited as guest blogger to share her voice, perspective and experiences with the program and community. They say that the best views come after the hardest climb, and I know … [READ MORE...]
Tips for Completing the TechWomen Application by Raghda Ali
Guest post by Raghda Ali, 2023 Fellow from Egypt Editor’s note: Raghda has been invited as a guest blogger to share her voice, perspective and experiences with the program and community. The TechWomen program is an extraordinary opportunity for women in the field of technology to advance … [READ MORE...]