General Info
Professional Track
- Information Technology (IT) and Communications
Entrepreneurship in IT
South AfricaAreas of Expertise
- Computer Science
- Educational Technology and E-Learning
- Information Systems Management
Professional Interests
- Big Data, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence
- E-Learning, Early Childhood ICT Education
- Data Analysis, Systems, Applications
I am doing this for the empowerment of South African women.
What will be your most valuable contribution to your TechWomen mentorship?
As a passionate ICT leader with a strong corporate and business background I bring in a wealth of experience that will cultivate sharing and conversations. I believe the diversity of South Africa is a story worth sharing, especially from someone who is coming from grassroots who has 'walked the walk'. My vision is to build Mbasane Women in IT to serve South African women. Techwomen will help me reach my goals and expectations and help to ensure that my vision is realized.
The Top Three Things I Would Like to Learn or Experience During my Mentorship
- Learn about effective education technology tools for disadvantaged/under-resourced youth.
- Learn about building systems that serve communities' basic needs.
- Learn about using technology to help cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and culture.
Mentorship Characteristic
- Focus on leadership skills building
- Focus on technical skills building
- Present my current work to professionals in my industry
- Expand on a project that I’m working on in my current role at home
- Exposes me to new tools and platforms
Ideal Company Type
My ideal mentor would be experienced in ICT as a leader. My ideal company would have an innovative culture and would have success creating simple solutions to fill technology gaps in needy market sectors.
What are three adjectives that best describe you in the work place?
- Professional
- Dependable
- Kind
What impact will your mentorship have on your career and professional path?
I am a young business leader and seek further knowledge to ensure my business vision is achieved and my business continues to thrive in the future. I am fortunately mentored by a seasoned South African business leader, and I hope that my USA mentor will help me further my business understandings and development, continue to grow my confidence and teach me more about networking and culture building.
After participating in the TechWomen program, how will you leverage your mentorship experience to make an impact in your home country?
The TechWomen program is going to help me to gain the skills and confidence needed to bring my expanded vision to life. Although my company's service to women in ICT has impacted the South African economy positively, I wish to expand Mbasane's footprint across South Africa in order to to benefit more women with skills and passion for ICT.
Work History
Years of Full-time Work Experience
28Primary Professional Focus
- Computer operations and/or security
- IT systems and/or data analysis
Current/Most Recent Job
- Title and Company: Managing Director, Mbasane Women in IT
- Direct Reports: 10+
- Type: Full-time
- Location: Durban, South Africa
- Dates: April 1, 2013 –
Identify skills gap between ICT industry needs and unemployed graduates' qualifications; Recruit, onboard, train, monitor, evaluate and mentor unemployed female ICT graduates; Collaborate with corporates, government, institutions of higher learning, and key ICT industry role players to seek employment opportunities
Analytical skills to ensure industry needs alignment; Strong administration, training, mentorship and communication skills; Ability to negotiate and come up with innovative ways to collaborate with various stakeholders
Job #2
- Title and Company: Client Services and Marketing Executive, Sizwe IT Group
- Type: Full-time
- Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
- Dates: March 1, 2010 – March 31, 2013
Manage day-to-day business operations; Manage business development initiatives and client relationship integration with all stakeholders; Conceptualize and implement contact/call center activities in greenfield operations according to industry norms and expectations, putting together effective solutions and appropriate technology to service local community needs
Strategic business management; Marketing, sales and relationship management; Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Education History
Institution #1
- Institution: Walter Sisulu University
- Degree Awarded: Bachelor's
- Major: Computer Science & Statistics
- Minor: Mathematics and Applied Maths
- Location: South Africa
- Completion Date: December 1, 1995