General Info
Professional Track
- Green Technology and Sustainability
RwandaAreas of Expertise
- Agriculture
- Food Science and Food Technology
- Educational Technology and E-Learning
Professional Interests
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture and use of other advanced technologies affordable by smallholder farmers
- Climate science and agriculture
- Cost effective technologies applied in addition of agricultural products
Strengthen entrepreneurial mindsets and skills among the youth through mentorship and capacity building initiatives
What will be your most valuable contribution to your TechWomen mentorship?
From my experience in teaching various courses related to agricultural economics, agribusiness and entrepreneurship, I could be able to share valuable insights with my mentor and colleagues. For instance, I could provide practical perspectives on utilizing experiential learning approaches and integrating technology tools to enhance learning outcomes. Additionally, my expertise in quantitative and qualitative research techniques, including data analysis using statistical software, could benefit mentors and fellows interested in strengthening their research capabilities. I would strengthen collaborative spirit, learning from others while contributing my knowledge to foster mutual growth and innovative solutions in the agriculture-technology domain.
The Top Three Things I Would Like to Learn or Experience During my Mentorship
- Learn effective use of advanced technologies in Agriculture
- Learn new and up-to-date data analysis methods
- Expand network internationally and culturally
Mentorship Characteristic
- Visit an office or attend a site-visit
- Identify workshops or certificate programs to further my learning after the program has ended
- Present my current work to professionals in my industry
- Exposes me to new tools and platforms
- Gets me involved in day-to-day activities of the mentor and partnering company.
Ideal Company Type
My ideal mentor would be from an agricultural research institute or university with a strong focus on agribusiness, entrepreneurship and sustainable agriculture practices. The organization should have a collaborative culture that values interdisciplinary approaches and knowledge-sharing across different domains. It should be an established institute with global reach and partnerships, providing opportunities for international exposure and networking. The work environment should encourage innovation, professional growth, and the application of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to address real-world challenges in the agriculture sector. A mentor from such an institute could greatly benefit my career development goals.
What are three adjectives that best describe you in the work place?
- Dedicated
- Collaborative
- Innovative
What impact will your mentorship have on your career and professional path?
Collaborating with a U.S.-based mentor presents an opportunity to broaden my horizons and accelerate my professional growth trajectories. I aspire to gain insights into cutting-edge agricultural research, teaching methodologies and industry best practices prevalent in the U.S. This cross-cultural exchange would enable me to integrate global perspectives into my work while contributing my unique experiences from the Rwandan context. Such synergistic learning could catalyze innovative approaches to address complex agricultural challenges. Finally, this mentorship could unlock new avenues for international collaborations, providing a platform to position myself as a thought leader in sustainable agribusiness and agricultural economics education.
After participating in the TechWomen program, how will you leverage your mentorship experience to make an impact in your home country?
I will integrate the insights acquired from working with my U.S. mentor into redesigning teaching methodologies at RICA to better equip students with cutting-edge agritech skills. For outreach programs, I will transfer knowledge to local farmers on using technology for sustainable agriculture practices, value addition and market connections. With the support of my employer and colleagues, I aim to establish an agribusiness incubator supporting youth-led enterprises that leverage technology to address challenges across the value chain. My mission is to build an ecosystem that nurtures techpreneurship in agriculture and contributes to food security, economic growth and rural development in Rwanda.
Work History
Years of Full-time Work Experience
4Current/Most Recent Job
- Title and Company: Agricultural Economics Lecturer, Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture
- Direct Reports: 0
- Type: Full-time
- Location: Bugesera, Rwanda
- Dates: April 12, 2021 –
Teach various courses related to agricultural economics, agribusiness and other specialized topics at university level; Conduct research in areas of specialization; Provide advisory services, coaching and mentoring to cooperatives, farmers and marginalized families on topics like certification standards, financial literacy, farm productivity maximization and record-keeping.
Teaching and Student Advising; Quantitative and Qualitative Research Skills; Communication and Collaboration.
Job #2
- Title and Company: Assistant Lecturer, Sokoine University of Rwanda
- Type: Part-time
- Location: Morogoro Municipal, Tanzania
- Dates: November 27, 2017 – December 18, 2020
Developed and delivered classroom curriculum through lectures; Conducted research and community development; Assisted in mentoring and advising undergraduates and postgraduates.
Teaching; Qualitative and Quantitative; Communication and Research.
Job #3
- Title and Company: Assistant Lecturer, University of Rwanda
- Type:
- Location: Kigali, Rwanda
- Dates: April 18, 2016 – July 21, 2016
Teaching; Research; Assist my supervisor to mentor and advise their advisees both undergraduates and postgraduates.
Education History
Institution #1
- Institution: Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Degree Awarded: Ph.D
- Major: Agricultural Economics
- Minor:
- Location: Tanzania
- Completion Date: December 1, 2020
Institution #2
- Institution: Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Degree Awarded: Master's
- Major: Agriculture
- Minor:
- Location: Tanzania
- Completion Date: November 1, 2015
Institution #3
- Institution: University of Rwanda
- Degree Awarded: Bachelor's
- Major: Agriculture
- Minor:
- Location: Rwanda
- Completion Date: February 1, 2012